The Rated Perceived Exertion (RPE) is a tool that helps to control intensity during strenght training and can be applied to everyone, but ¿What is RPE exactly?
According the American College of Sport Medicine (ACSM), "RPE is a psycophysiological scale, which means that it calls on the mind and the body to evaluate the perception of the effort. The scale measures sensations of effort, discomfort and fatigue experienced during aerobic and strength training"
The firs scale emerges from aerobic training with the Borg scale, so that athletes could give feedback to their coaches inmediately about the training load. Later it begins to be validated for strength training with OMNI-RES scale, also being validated for use with resistance bands.
Colado et al. (2012)
¿How can we use it?
Normally in strength training the % RM is usually used to quantify the intensity, but the problem is that without encoder, you have to do test of RM to calculate the value of RM. One way to estimate the RM in each training session is through RPE.
Helms et al. (2016)
For more information about the RPE scale with resistance bands research the next link:
1. Colado, J.C., Garcia-Masso, X., Triplett, T.N., Flandez, J., Borreani, S., & Tella, V. (2012). Concurrent validation of the OMNI-resistance exercise scale of perceived exertion with Thera-band resistance bands. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research, 26(11), 3018-3024.
2. Helms, E. R., Cronin, J., Storey, A., & Zourdos, M. C.. Application of the Repetitions in Reserve-Based Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale for Resistance Training. Strength and Conditioning Journal, 2016, 38(4), 42.
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